In traditional and most contemporary usage, conjuration refers to a magical act of invoking spirits or using incantations or charms to cast magical spells. Drawing a circle and refraining from speaking during the ritual are consistent elements of many books in late medieval and early modern periods. These books were forbidden, to be hidden away or even burned by the authorities, but people who were in possession of these books and also knew how to perform the rituals, enjoyed unusual prestige. Occult knowledge was forbidden knowledge. Conjuring of spirits was strictly prohibited in Protestant and Catholic areas.
Grimoires contain detailed instructions on how to perform rituals to communicate with spirits. The ultimate aim of the ritual is to uncover hidden treasures, whereas other books focus on gaining knowledge about the future or casting a spell on someone.
The power to conjure spirits and force them to do certain things lay within the words and actions performed during a ritual. Language is able not only to express an idea but also to perform an action. Conjuring spirits is a speech act with which someone tried to compel the spirit to do something specific. Summoning is the process of enticing or forcing a creature to the location selected by the summoner.
I invoke and conjure thee, O spirit (name of the spirit), and, fortified with the power of the Supreme Majesty, I strongly command thee by BARALAMENSIS, BALDACHIENSIS, PAUMACHIE, APOLORESEDES and the most potent princes GENIO, LIACHIDE, Ministers of the Tartarean Seat, chief princes of the seat of APOLOGIA in the ninth region; I exorcise and command thee, O Spirit N., by Him Who spake and it was done, by the Most Holy and glorious Names ADONAI, EL, ELOHIM, ELOHE, ZEBAOTH, ELION, ESCHERCE, JAH, TETRAGRAMMATON, SADAI: do thou forthwith appear and shew thyself unto me, here before this circle, in a fair and human shape, without any deformity or horror; do thou come forthwith, from whateverpart of the world, and make rational answers to my questions; come presently, come visibly, come affably, manifest that which I desire, being conjured by the Name of the Eternal, Living and True God, HELIOREM; I conjure thee also by the particular and true Name of thy God to whom thou owest thine obedience; by the name of the King who rules over thee, do thou come without tarrying; come, fulfil my desires; persist unto the end, according, to mine intentions.
If the spirit comes not at the rehearsing of these Conjuration, as without doubt he will, proceed as follows, it being a Constraint:
The Constraint
I conjure thee, O spirit (name of the spirit), by all the most glorious and efficacious Names of the Great and Incomparable Lord the God of Hosts, come quickly and without delay, front whatsoever part of the world thou art in; make rational answers to my demands; come visibly, speak affably, speak intelligibly to my understanding. I conjure and constrain thee, O Spirit (name of the spirit), by all the aforesaid Names, as also by those seven other Names wherewith Solomon bound thee and thy fellows in the brazen vessels to wit, ADONAI, PRERAI, TETRAGRAMMATON, ANEXHEXETON, INESSENSATOAL, PATHUMATON and ITEMON; do thou manifest before this circle, fulfil my will in all things that may seem good to me. Be disobedient, refuse to come, and by the power of the Supreme Being, the everlasting Lord, that God Who created thee and me, the whole world, with all contained therein, in the space of six days; by EYE, by SARAY, by the virtue of the Name PRIMEMATUM, which commands the whole host of Heaven; be disobedient, and behold I will curse and deceive thee of thine office, thy joy and thy place; I will bind thee in the depths of the bottomless pit, there to remain until the Day of the Last judgment. I will chain thee in the Lake of Eternal Fire, in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, unless thou come quickly, appearing before this circle, to do my will Come, therefore, in the Holy Names ADONAI, ZEBAOTH, AMIORAM; come, ADONAI commands thee.
When the spirit appears, say the following.
Welcome of the Spirit
Welcome, spirit, welcome art thou unto me; I have called through Him Who created Heaven, Earth and Hell, with all contained therein, and thou hast obeyed, also by the like power. I bind thee to remain affably and visibly before this circle, within this triangle, so long as I need thee, to depart not without my license, till thou hast truly and faithfully fulfilled all that I shall require.
Welcome of the Spirit
Conjuration for Lucifer
Lucifer, Ouyar, Chameron, Aliseon, Mandousin, Premy, Oriet, Naydrus, Esmony, Eparinesont, Estiot, Dumosson, Danochar, Casmiel, Hayras, Fabelleronthon, Sodirnot, Peatham, come, Lucifer. Amen.
Conjuration for Astaroth
Astaroth, Ador, Cameso, Valluerituf Mareso, Lodir, Cadomir, Aluiel, Calniso, Tely, Pleorim, Viordy, Meus Calmiron, Noard, Nisa Chenibranbo Calevodium, Brazo, Tabrasol, Come, Arastoth. Amen.
Conjuration for Beelzebuth
Beelzebuth, Lucifer, Madilont, Solymo, Saroy, Ameclo, Segrael, Praredun, Adricanorom, Martiro, Timo, Cameron, Phorsy, Metosite, Prumosy, Dumaso, Elivisa, Alphross, Fubentronty, Come, Beelzebuth. Amen.
Discharge of the spirit
O spirit (name of the spirit), because thou hast diligently answered my demands, I do hereby license thee to depart, without injury to man or beast. Depart, I say, and be thou willing and ready to come, whensoever duly exorcised and con red by the sacred rites of magick. I conjure thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and may peace continue forever between me and thee. Amen.
Discharge of the Spirit